Sunday, August 24, 2008


The roof is finished and it is beautiful. Craig talked to a mason this week who has a passion for bricks and brickwork about building the chimney and if we get a chimney that looks like any of the photographs he showed us we will be very fortunate. I have a new appreciation for roof design and am now looking forward to a fabulous chimney, always something new to desire!

The basement space is turning out just great. There will be two bedrooms, one with two big windows and one slightly larger one with one big window. The windows are required by code for egress in case of emergency but I love them because of the light. There is also a large room for games, television or video games or anything else visiting children and grandchildren might enjoy, as well as a bathroom, storage space, utility area and a fine work room for me. We will have two staircases into the basement, one from the mudroom to the utility space and one from the living room to the bedrooms and sitting room.

We ended up the week with a picnic with our carpenters, in the shade of walnut trees, at the farmhouse on our adjoining property.

Jim and Jeremy (aka "Cooter") are fourth generation carpenters, their company is called American Classic Construction and it is well named. Jim has his back to the camera at the left of the table, next to him is Craig Cox, from left to right facing the camera is Dan, Cooter and Jake. Jake was an intern while he was in high school and will be starting at Northern Michigan University on Monday to study mechanical engineering. Dan has been telling me stories about his grandfather who raises longhorn cattle in Wichita County, Kansas. I love these guys.

Coming this week: finishing the two remaining porches, putting insulation around the outside of the house, the window delivery on Wednesday and the plumbers will be back.

1 comment:

jivey said...

can't wait to see the brickwork!